Furniture Care
How do I care of Exterior oiled Oak surfaces?
Care of Exterior Oiled Oak Surfaces
The maintenance of Oiled oak surfaces should be carried out on a warm dry day, this will enable the oil to penetrate deeper into the surface of the oak.
Firstly, brush down the surface that is to be oiled with a stiff brush. If the surface is badly soiled you may need to wash it down with hot soapy water and rinse with clean water first. All surfaces must be thoroughly dry from moisture prior to applying the first coat of raw linseed oil. Apply with a paintbrush and allow the oil to penetrate the surface for approximately four to eight hours before removing any excess oil with a cloth. Some surfaces that are exceptionally dry and under nourished may need a second application. The oiling of exterior oak surfaces should be carried out at least once a year.
Please remember to use RAW LINSEED OIL, as this product will penetrate the surface more easily than boiled linseed oil.